Visual Studio Code (VS Code) has rapidly become one of the most popular code editors in the software development world. Its power lies not just in its core features but also in its extensibility. With a thriving marketplace of extensions, developers can tailor VS Code to suit their specific needs, making it an indispensable tool for efficient coding. In this article, we’ll explore the best VS Code extensions that every developer should consider adding to their toolbox.

Best VS Code Extensions

1. Live Server

  • Purpose: Live Server is a must-have for web developers. It allows you to launch a local development server with live reload capability, making it easier to preview and test web applications as you code.

2. ESLint

  • Purpose: ESLint is a popular JavaScript linter that helps you maintain code quality by identifying and fixing issues in your JavaScript or TypeScript code.

3. Prettier – Code Formatter

  • Purpose: Prettier is an opinionated code formatter that automates code styling. It helps you maintain consistent code formatting across your projects.

4. GitLens – Git Supercharged

  • Purpose: GitLens is a powerful tool for Git integration in VS Code. It provides insights into your Git repositories, including blame annotations, commit history, and more.

5. Bracket Pair Colorizer 2

  • Purpose: This extension enhances code readability by colorizing matching brackets, braces, and parentheses, making it easier to navigate complex code structures.

6. Remote – SSH

  • Purpose: If you work with remote servers, the Remote – SSH extension allows you to edit code on remote machines directly from VS Code.

7. Docker

  • Purpose: Docker simplifies containerized development. This extension provides tools for managing Docker containers and images within VS Code.

8. Python

  • Purpose: For Python developers, this extension offers enhanced Python support, including debugging, linting, and Jupyter notebook integration.

9. Vetur

  • Purpose: Vetur is a must for Vue.js developers. It provides syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and debugging support for Vue.js projects.

10. Code Spell Checker

  • Purpose: This extension helps you maintain code quality by highlighting spelling errors in your code comments and strings.


These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to best VS Code extensions. By adding these 10 essential extensions to your development environment, you’ll significantly boost your productivity and coding experience. Remember to explore the VS Code Marketplace further to find more specialized extensions that cater to your specific needs. Feel free to share your best VS Code extensions in the comments below.

Happy coding!