Systemd service


Deploying new changes to a Flask application often requires the reload of both the Gunicorn and Nginx services to incorporate the updates. However, this standard procedure can occasionally lead to 502 errors and temporary downtime. To address this challenge, we’ll explore a method for gracefully reloading Flask app systemd service, ensuring that your Flask application remains available to users without any interruptions during the deployment of new changes. This approach is particularly useful for maintaining high availability and a seamless user experience.

Benefits of Gracefully Reloading

There are several benefits to gracefully reloading your Flask app systemd service:

  • Improves user experience: Gracefully reloading your Flask app systemd service eliminates the risk of downtime or 502 errors during deployments. This ensures that your application is always available to users, providing a better user experience.
  • Reduces stress on infrastructure: Gracefully reloading your Flask app systemd service avoids the need to restart multiple services at once. This reduces the stress on your infrastructure and improves its overall performance and reliability.
  • Improves scalability: Gracefully reloading your Flask app systemd service makes it easier to scale your application. You can add new instances of your application without having to take it down for maintenance

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Reload Nginx

To initiate a graceful reload of your Flask application, start by reloading Nginx. Nginx is a popular web server and reverse proxy server that can serve as a frontend to your Flask app.

This command instructs Nginx to reload its configuration without stopping and starting the entire service. By doing so, Nginx ensures that new connections are directed to the updated Flask app without interrupting ongoing connections.

2. Gracefully Reload Gunicorn

Next, we’ll perform a graceful reload of Gunicorn, the WSGI HTTP server used to run the Flask application. Gunicorn is responsible for serving your Flask app, and a graceful reload allows it to seamlessly switch to the new version without terminating existing connections.

Here’s a breakdown of the command:

  • ps -C gunicorn fch -o pid: This command retrieves the PID (Process ID) of the running Gunicorn process for your Flask application.
  • head -n 1: It extracts the first PID in case multiple Gunicorn processes are running.
  • sudo kill -HUP <PID>: The kill command sends the HUP (Hang Up) signal to the Gunicorn process, instructing it to gracefully reload. This means Gunicorn will finish processing the ongoing requests and then switch to the new version of your Flask app.

Alternative Methods and Solutions

There are a few other methods and solutions for reloading Flask applications:

  • Blue/green deployment: A blue/green deployment is a strategy for deploying new changes to an application without any downtime. It involves running two identical versions of your application, blue and green. When you are ready to deploy new changes, you update the green version of your application and then switch traffic from the blue version to the green version. Once all traffic has been switched to the green version, you can decommission the blue version.
  • Load balancer: A load balancer can be used to distribute traffic across multiple instances of your Flask application. This can improve the performance and scalability of your application. It can also be used to gracefully reload your Flask application instances by taking one instance out of service at a time, reloading it, and then putting it back into service.


By following these steps, you can gracefully reload your Flask application without interrupting ongoing connections, ensuring that your application remains available to users without any downtime. This approach is particularly useful for maintaining high availability and ensuring a seamless user experience during updates or configuration changes.

Remember to adapt the commands to match your specific setup and directory structure. With this method, you can confidently deploy changes to your Flask app while keeping your services up and running smoothly.

Checkout more on common web application issues here.

One response to “Gracefully Reloading Flask App Systemd Service”

  1. […] this article to graceful reload flask app to avoid downtime of your […]

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