In the era of cloud computing, migrating databases to managed cloud services is a strategic move for organizations seeking scalability, reliability, and reduced operational overhead. AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) offers a robust, fully-managed PostgreSQL database solution that is highly attractive to businesses relying on PostgreSQL databases. AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) facilitates this migration with minimal downtime and complexity. This article will guide you through the process of migrating a PostgreSQL database to an AWS RDS PostgreSQL instance using AWS DMS in a homogeneous migration scenario.

Understanding Homogeneous Migration

Homogeneous migration refers to moving data between databases of the same engine type—in this case, PostgreSQL to PostgreSQL. This type of migration leverages the inherent compatibility between the source and target databases, simplifying the migration process compared to heterogeneous migrations (involving different database engines).


Before starting the migration, ensure the following prerequisites are met:

  1. AWS Account: You must have an active AWS account with the necessary permissions to create and manage RDS instances, DMS tasks, and other related resources.
  2. Source PostgreSQL Database: An existing PostgreSQL database (self-hosted or on-premises) that you wish to migrate.
  3. AWS CLI or Management Console Access: Familiarity with the AWS Management Console or AWS CLI for configuring and managing services.
  4. Network Connectivity: Ensure that your source database is accessible from the AWS DMS instance. This may involve setting up a VPN or using AWS Direct Connect for on-premises databases.

Step-by-Step Migration Process

1. Setting Up the Target RDS PostgreSQL Instance
  1. Create an RDS Instance:
    • Navigate to the RDS dashboard in the AWS Management Console.
    • Click on “Create database.”
    • Select “PostgreSQL” and choose the desired version.
    • Configure instance specifications, such as instance class, storage, and security settings.
    • Complete the setup and launch the RDS instance.
  2. Configure Security Groups:
    • Ensure that the security group associated with your RDS instance allows inbound traffic on the PostgreSQL port (default is 5432) from your source database’s IP address or network.
2. Preparing the Source PostgreSQL Database
  1. Backup and Maintenance:
    • Perform a full backup of your source database to prevent data loss.
    • Ensure the source database is in a consistent state before initiating the migration.
  2. Enable Logical Replication:
    • Modify the postgresql.conf file to enable logical replication.
      wal_level = logical
      max_replication_slots = 4
      max_wal_senders = 4
    • Ensure these changes are applied by restarting the PostgreSQL service.
  3. Create a Replication User: Create a dedicated user with replication privileges:
3. Configuring AWS DMS

Create Source and Target Providers:

  • In the DMS dashboard, create the source provider pointing to your source PostgreSQL database.
  • Provide connection details, including the server name, port, database name, and replication user credentials.
  • Test the connection to ensure it is successful.
  • Repeat the process to create the target provider for the RDS PostgreSQL instance.

Create a Migration Task:

  • Define a new migration task in the DMS dashboard.
  • Specify the replication instance, source and target data providers.
  • Select the migration type—full load, CDC (change data capture), or both. For minimal downtime, CDC is recommended.
  • Configure table mappings to include or exclude specific tables as needed.
  • Start the migration task and monitor its progress.
4. Monitoring and Validating the Migration
  1. Monitor the Task:
    • Use the DMS dashboard to track the status of the migration task. Look for any errors or warnings that may need attention.
    • Ensure that the task completes successfully, with all data migrated to the target RDS instance.
  2. Data Validation:
    • Once the migration is complete, perform thorough data validation to ensure data integrity and consistency between the source and target databases.
    • Run test queries and compare results to verify that the data has been accurately migrated.
  3. Switch Over and Cleanup:
    • Once validation is complete and you are confident in the migration’s success, switch your application to point to the new RDS instance.
    • Decommission the old database and clean up any temporary resources created during the migration process.


Migrating a PostgreSQL database to AWS RDS using AWS DMS is a powerful strategy to leverage the scalability and reliability of AWS’s managed database services. By following this step-by-step guide, you can achieve a seamless and efficient migration with minimal downtime, ensuring your data remains consistent and accessible throughout the process. Embrace the advantages of AWS RDS and position your organization for future growth and innovation in the cloud.